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Rosh Chodesh 5th Month: Av, 5782

Writer's picture: Kimiya DeRuiterKimiya DeRuiter

Rosh Chodesh New Moon First Fruits Celebration

1st of Av, 5782

Gregorian Date: Sunset,_Friday, July 29, 2022

_5th__Month: __Av__

pg. __281-288_ in A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce

Month of the Tribe of ___Simeon___

Pg _232-233__ in A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce

To purchase a copy of A Time to Advance Click here.

This book is also available on Amazon here.

Here is your monthly prompt to studying A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce and to help you take on more of a Hebrew Mindset by endeavoring to grow in honoring the Lord in the three areas that result in blessing and promise.

  1. Weekly Sabbath

  2. Monthly First Fruits Offering and Rosh Chodesh

  3. Annual quarterly Celebrations & Feasts

If you are still uncertain about Rosh Chodesh and how to celebrate with First Fruits Blessings, read Chapter 5 in Advancing The Times pages 79-93.

Note that the First Fruits Offerings are a separate and different type of giving than the regular tithes and the offerings. pg84-88

What is God metamorphosing in your life currently?

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Depending on our response to Him and depending on the intimate quality time we spend with Him this month, during Av God has ordained it as a time and season in which we can enter into the Promised Land.

gotten from:

What is God deconstructing in your life so that He can rebuild it?

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A powerful side bar that I am going to plop down right here is the most empowering and profoundly shifting messages I have ever experienced fruit from on the topic of Grace.

I originally heard it live from James Ryle at Harvest Rock in Pasadena during the protracted renewal meetings in Mott Auditorium during the 1990’s. James introduced his message with a fairly gutsy statement saying , “This will be the most powerful message you will ever hear.” No matter what side of the cross of Christ the Messiah that you live in belief of, I believe this message is as James said it would be. Just this week, I found this YouTube post of it while he was a guest speaker at Sojourn Church. You’re in for an extra treat as he is quite comical and uses a white board with drawings to help you visualize what he is getting at. Despite Jame’s pictionaryesque chicken scratch in this video, James was actually an accomplished artist with several incredible paintings. (If you’re reading this and own any of his paintings, I’d be interested in buying one of them) My personal appreciation for Jame’s message on grace was increased by the discovery in 2009, that his parole release date was the day I was born 12/22/70. My spiritual birthday, November 22, 1986, was also the same day that James Ryle passed in 2015 on the 22nd of November. I didn’t know him personally, but we had a live-real-time interaction on his Facebook post while I was sitting at Whole Foods on a lunch break and while he was posting an announcement that he was going to stay in his hospital bed with a grace-filled attitude, blessing his daughter and his wife to go to his daughter’s wedding in a different state without him. His remarkable attitude was a profound modern example of grace to me, being that he was not going to get to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. If anyone has authority to speak into how to find God’s grace while God is deconstructing and rebuilding things in life, James Ryle still and will always hold a notable place of honor.

I plop this video here as bonus material for Av, because if God is deconstructing things in our personal lives on a micro scale so that He can rebuild things to match and suit His good plans for us, He is no doubt also doing the same on a macro scale through out the world and we no doubt have strong need of what GRACE truly is.

Don’t be surprised if this deconstructs what you thought you knew about grace. It will certainly rebuild and unleash a profoundly empowering new relationship for you with the God of GRACE.

Notes on Grace:

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As you study (either in Advancing the Times pg.232-233 or in the scriptural passages) and acquaint yourself with the person Simeon, the tribe of Simeon, his tribe’s position & duties in camp during war and the wilderness and the territory in the promise land of which his tribe still has God’s title deed to stewarded, what things, if any, do you find yourself relating to and empathizing with? Are there any prayers you need to pray to deconstruct some areas in your life like Simeon's, and pray for God to rebuild?

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