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ICAN:  International Children’s Aid Network was founded to help meet the needs of orphans and vulnerable children around the world. With ICAN’s current focus on developing a Children’s Village orphanage in Soweto, South Africa, ICAN is striving to bring a bright shining light of hope to children in desperate need on the African continent.​

International Children's Aid Network


Shelter:  Within our main 10,000 square-foot Children’s Village structure, our children will experience dorm-style living to cultivate a sense of security, stability and support.Food:  One of our top priorities will be providing high-quality, nutritious meals served to our children in their spacious dining facility. In addition to our garden and bakery, other healthy food options will be available to round out a healthy menu for our growing children.

Clothing:  School uniforms, formal and casual clothing will supplied to each of our children to build their dignity and self esteem.Medical:  Local health care professionals will staff an on-sight medical clinic for our children at the Village. Over time, we hope to expand this facility to help meet the needs of the local community as well.


Education:  Through our sister organization Worldwide Children's Aid Network (WeCAN), ICAN has purchased Heartwood Independent School.  Heartwood has the required Section-21 registration and Department of Education number, allowing it to sanction a satellite school in the ICAN South African Children's Village. In turn, this school will pursue South Africa's highly valued NQF accreditation.Arts and Recreation:  ICAN is committed to creating an environment where the creativity of our children will be encouraged and nurtured by gifted mentors in all aspects of the arts. Additionally, recreation in the forms of competitive sports and other healthy activities will be available at the Children’s Village.

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